
Showing posts from June, 2017

Squad Goals

Several years ago, while working in a traditional public school, our teachers were saddled with yet one more flaming hoop through which we were expected to jump happily, all while carrying the paper work that went along with it. Professional Learning Communities, or PLCs, became more of a hassle than an opportunity. For years, our teachers were communicating and planning with each other; but for some reason, having to document the whole process for someone who likely did not even read it made it much less enjoyable. This forced process also made it much less productive. Since the beginning of structured education, teachers who genuinely care about the success of their students have been working with other teachers in their discipline or even across curriculums to improve their own practices. Now, with the world at our fingertips, educators across the globe have found new and meaningful professional learning communities, and it has been the single most effective professional development