
Showing posts from July, 2017

Back to School (Already)

I have the privilege of teaching in a small, public charter school that operates on a modified year-round calendar. This is my fourth year here, and after teaching for thirteen years on a traditional ten-month calendar, I must say... I LOVE IT! Don't get me wrong, I miss the lengthy summers associated with the traditional calendar, but on our schedule, we teach for nine weeks followed by a two-week track out. For us, this track out lands at the end of September and the beginning of October (and the middle of March in the spring), the perfect time for cooler weather; the perfect time to enjoy my morning coffee on the screened porch; the perfect time to recharge for the next nine weeks. While my summer is three to four weeks shorter than the average teacher's summer, let's be honest: the longer the summer, the more difficult it is for us and for students to get back into the swing of things. And if you were to ask our high school students, most of them are ready to be reunite